Saturday, January 8, 2011

Puppy Playdate!

The puppies will be 6 months old on January 12th! I have been anxious to see how they have grown and matured with their families. We scheduled a meetup at a dog park in Katy and the boys were able to attend since they live close by! We also invited some neighbors of ours who own 3 boxers, and of course there were a couple of other boxers who showed up at the park. At one time there were 12 boxers running around! It was great fun.

Remi and Trip were able to attend and it was so cool to see how they are a great combination of Laila and Duece. Trip definitely looks just like his dad but has a really long tongue like Laila! Remi has his Dad's size but has a sweet and gentle personality like Laila. These boys are big for 6 months, they have already surpassed Laila, and will probably mature to a nice 70 lbs like Duece.

Duece definitely remembered Laila, and is still in love with her! He spent the afternoon courting her, too bad she is now unable to have any more babies, she is now spayed.

Here are the brothers.
The handsome Trip



The regal Remi



Playing together

Here is Molly and Trip together then and now!


Here is Remi then and now....Molly was a big part of the pups lives, and Laila was nice enough to allow her to play with the puppies!



Here are most of the pics I took....I took more than a couple! hehe

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